Inside: learn about our latest additions and upgrades to Vitro’s wide library of digital tools for glass industry pros
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Vitro Certified Newsletter

What’s New: Updates to Digital Tools, Glass Selection and Energy Modeling


Dear Vitro Certified® Network Member, 

We’ve arrived at the midway point of the year, and since your last quarterly update, Vitro has been hard at work developing digital resources. In just the past several weeks, we’ve made significant strides in updating and expanding our library of digital tools for professionals across the glass industry – with even more to come in 2024. Here’s a look at what’s new:

We’ve launched the new Vitro GlassFinder™ tool, which is the latest iteration of our Search tool. Users can use Vitro GlassFinder™ to find the Vitro Glass product that best meets the aesthetic and performance needs of their next project, with options to sort by reflectance, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), visible light transmittance (VLT) and even U-Value.

Additionally, we’ve made updates to the Vitro emissions™ Calculator, which models and compares energy consumption, embodied carbon and operational carbon emissions in a range of standard buildings in North America. The latest update includes the addition of more locations in Canada. This latest update gives you even more opportunities to simulate a full year of data for a wide range of projects.

Finally, we just introduced the VitroVerse™ Glass Tools Mobile Hub, the mobile home for all Vitro’s digital tools. Now, you can easily access all our dynamic tools, including the new GlassFinder™ tool, Vitro emissions Calculator tool, and the Construct an IGU tool from your phone or tablet. For the best experience and ease of routine use, please follow these instructions to create a convenient shortcut to the VitroVerse™ Glass Tools Mobile Hub on your mobile device.

I hope you enjoy reading the second issue of this year’s newsletter, which includes a Technical Forum article about Vitro’s latest achievements in sustainability credentialing. Also included is a feature about Amazon’s gleaming second headquarters in Arlington, Va., and a get-to-know story featuring Patty Fisher, whose resourcefulness and adaptability have taken her to more than a dozen countries during her time with Vitro. 



Mark Seeton 
Vice President, Sales 
Vitro Architectural Glass  

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Project Showcase: Amazon HQ2

Amazon’s second headquarters feature two towers constructed with a gleaming curtainwall made with Solarban® 72 Starphire® glass. The facility is not only reshaping the Arlington skyline, but also generously contributing to the neighborhood with its open-to-the-public ground-floor lobbies and adjacent Metropolitan Park renovation and expansion.

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Technical Forum: Sustainability Certifications

Vitro has continued to improve its energy efficiency practices and has achieved new heights in sustainability certification. Recently, Vitro released new EPDs that highlight our low embodied carbon products and received improved Cradle to Cradle® certifications.

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Get to Know Vitro: Patty Fisher

Long-time PPG and Vitro employee, Patty Fisher knows a thing or two, or three, about resourcefulness and adaptability. Her willingness to lead has opened doors for all kinds of opportunities that have taken her to dozens of countries worldwide, like China, Australia, and even as far as Tasmania.

Meet Patty Fisher

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