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Staying Apart, but Here for Each Other

Dear Vitro Certified™ Network Member,

These past several weeks we all have confronted challenges, both business and personal, that we never anticipated. Our sales teams have transitioned to remote work. Our plant personnel have stepped up to continue meeting demand amid new hygiene and physical separation policies.

While the road to recovery undoubtedly will present additional challenges, we are inspired by the ingenuity of our employees and our customers in solving new problems on a daily basis. “Together, We See Further” is truer today than ever. Connection and collaboration will continue to help us bring a brighter tomorrow a little bit closer.

No mistake, brighter days are ahead. Our supply chain remains strong, all float, MSVD and tempering operations remain fully operational and glass inventory levels are robust at all plant locations. Meanwhile, we are on the cusp of a new paradigm for glass and interior design. As physical separation becomes a primary requirement in architectural design, new opportunities for glass renovation will emerge, from glass partitions and beyond.

To help you through this period, this issue includes training modules to help maximize employee development during this downturn, as well as a new Technical Document that describes how glass is an ideal product for these challenging times.

Thank you for balancing your business’s needs while keeping yourself and your loved ones safe. Each of us contends with new challenges daily. But, as Theodore Roosevelt said, “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

We appreciate your continued support as we all continue making the best decisions we can in the moment. To learn more about our response to COVID-19, view our corporate update.

Mark Seeton
Vice President, Sales
Vitro Architectural Glass



Decontaminating Glass Surfaces

The ability to easily clean glass remains as true as ever during the COVID-19 outbreak. Our latest Technical Document (TD) reviews how Vitro ensures sanitary glass, what makes glass ideal for physical separation and recommendations for cleaning glass surfaces. We have also updated TD-147 on compatible gloves for coated glass and TD-149 on acceptable cutting fluids and detergents for coated glasses.

Read More


Personnel Training Series

To maximize employee development during this challenging period, Vitro offers a range of Articulate Training Modules—available in English and Spanish—and lunchtime seminars to Vitro Certified™ Network members. All are available on the Vitro Certified™ password-protected site. Contact Kathy Comer to request access. 

Browse Modules on VCN Site

VIT_VCN_Lunch Series


Contactless Bills of Lading (BOL) Now Available

To help you minimize contact while receiving deliveries, electronic Bills of Lading (BOL) will now automatically be emailed to you for every order. They are also available through your Vitro GlassNET account. 

Log In to Vitro GlassNET


